Welcome to Aqualife 3D!
Welcome to Aqualife 3D!
Here you can buy, feed, grow and sell fish to earn coins, XP and diamonds.
You can also apply various backgrounds and decorations, buy additional tanks, complete tasks in 'My achievements' section and send gifts to your friends.
In the top right corner you can see the number of the tank you are in and the total amount of tanks you own. There you can also see the tank occupancy scale. Initially everyone gets one ten-fish tank. You can upgrade it or buy another tank and decorate it the way you like.
Fish can get sick if not fed for a long time. Happily you can always cure or revive your fish and pets.
For every next reached level you'll get diamond bonuses. For every next level you'll get 1 diamond up to 50th level, 2 diamonds - up to 70th level, 3 diamonds - up to 80th level, 4 diamonds - up to 90th level and then 5 diamonds for every reached level.
First level fish is a babyfish which can not be sold, but can be eaten by a predator fish. Second level fish can be sold for the price set in the store. Every new level adds to the fish's price and experience you get for selling the fish. The fish's price reaches its maximum when a fish grows fifth level and costs four times the price set in the store.
Fish grows till it is level 5, then it is considered an adult fish and can be sold for its maximum price.
All babyfish and all levels of certain small fish species, like neons etc. are schooling fish.
Fish can have aggressive behavior. Different fish species can be aggressive to their congeners and other fish species. For example, the following fish species attack:
Blue akara (50% congeners, 30% other species)
Black seadevil (10% congeners, 10% other species)
Astronotus (100% congeners, 100% other species)
Fighting fish (100% congeners)
Spotted Gar (70% other species)
Black lionfish (100% other species)
Piranha (70% other species)
Siamese tigerfish (40% other species)
Predator fish
Predator fish can only be purchased for diamonds.
Only baby predator fish (first level fish) eat usual foodstuff.
Predator fish eat other species' babyfish bought for coins.
Predator fish do not eat 2nd level fish and fish purchased for diamonds.
As to now there are the following predator fish available in the shop:

They are known for their sharp teeth and a voracious appetite for meat. Can easily bite through a stick or a finger.

Spotted Gar
Habitat for spotted gar is clear pools of shallow water and they are found in creeks, rivers and lakes.

White Spotted Grouper
Is a grouper from the Eastern Indian Ocean that occasionally makes its way into the aquarium trade. It grows to a size of 52 cm in length.

Humpback Grouper
Attacks only fish which are smaller than himself. If kept in the proper conditions this is a very hardy, and long-lived fish.

Black Lionfish
Lionfish has several venomous dorsal spines, which provide an important defense against predator fish.

Lionfish has several venomous dorsal spines, which provide an important defense against predator fish.

Asian arowana
Native to Southeast Asia, Asian arowanas inhabits blackwater rivers, slow-moving waters flowing through forested swamps and wetlands. Adults feed on other fish, while juveniles feed on insects.

Silver Arowana
Silver Arowana can be kept with other freshwater fish as long as they are too large to fit in the arowana's mouth and can tolerate the arowana's active-swimming lifestyle.

Black seadevil
The females use their bioluminescent "fishing poles" to lure both conspecifics and prey.

Electric Eel
These fish are obligate air-breathers; rising to the surface every 10 minutes or so, the animal will gulp before returning to the bottom.
1 level Electric Eel eats usual foodstuff and does not generate electric charge!
Electric discharge affects fish for 10 seconds.

Northern snakehead
The preferred habitats of this species are stagnant water with mud substrate and aquatic vegetation, or slow muddy streams.

Shark is a dangerous and voracious predator fish.

Dolphin is a predator mammal. Who could think!

Predator fish that live in the deep sea. Although the fangtooth may look like a true monster, it is actually a small fish, reaching a maximum length of only six inches (16 centimeters).

Based on growth rings in their ear bones (otoliths), scientists infer that individual coelacanths may live as long as 80 to 100 years.

Sea snake
Faint-banded sea snake is a venomous species of elapid sea snake. It has a friendly temperament and would normally have to be subjected to severe mistreatment before biting. Usually those bitten are fishermen handling nets, although only a quarter of those bitten are envenomated since the snake rarely injects much of its venom.

Moray eel
The morays are frequently thought of as particularly vicious or ill-tempered animals. In truth, morays hide from humans in crevices and would rather flee than fight. Morays are shy and secretive, and attack humans only in self-defence or mistaken identity. Morays have poor vision and rely mostly on their acute sense of smell, making distinguishing between fingers and held food difficult; numerous divers have lost fingers while attempting hand feedings.

Hammerhead shark
Hammerhead shark is so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of its head, which is flattened and laterally extended into a 'hammer' shape called a 'cephalofoil'. |
In our game predator fish can not only catch babyfish by swimming after them, but also lure them and stun with current rush.
Apart from growing fish, you can also have one pet in each tank.
Every pet does not only beautify your tank, but give you additional advantages while purchasing from the game store and gaining additional experience and coins while selling your fish. You can read about each pet in its description in the store. A pet can not be moved to another tank and all its addidional advantages run out when it reaches the 11th level of growth. Do not forget to feed your pets, otherwise they will not bring any bonuses.
The following pets are available in the Store right now:

While it has not reached the 11th level of growth, it brings +10% coins on fish and decorations sales in the tank it inhabits.

While it has not reached the 11th level of growth, it brings +10% coins on fish and decorations sales in the tank it inhabits.

Axolotl is a popular pet. While it has not reached the 11th level of its growth, it cancels +3 levels requirements in the store for purchasing from the tank it inhabits.

Sea turtle
While it has not reached the 11th level of its growth, it brings +10% experience units to fish or decorations purchases and fish sales in the tank it inhabits.

River turtle
River turtle is a very cute creature. While it has not reached the 11th level of growth, it cancels the task completement requirements in the store for purchasing from the tank it inhabits.

Tritons can live without dry land in aquarium. While it has not reached the 11th level of its growth, it cancels +3 levels requirements in the store for purchasing from the tank it inhabits.

Shark is a dangerous and voracious predator fish. While it has not reached the 11th level of growth, it cancels +5 levels requirements in the store for purchasing from the aquarium it inhabits.

Dolphin is a predator mammal. While it has not reached the 11th level of its growth, it brings +10% experience units to fish or decorations purchases and fish sales in the tank it inhabits. It brings +10% coins to fish or decorations sales in the tank it inhabits.

Sea snake
Faint-banded sea snake. While it has not reached the 11th level of its growth, it enables the tank owner to cure all fish for free and forbids any friends' actions in the tank. These features work only in the tank the sea snake inhabits.

Moray eel
Moray eel. While it has not reached the 11th level of its growth, it enables the tank owner to revive all fish for free and forbids any friends' actions in the tank. These features work only in the tank the eel inhabits.

Hammerhead shark
Hammerhead shark is so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of its head, which is flattened and laterally extended into a 'hammer' shape called a 'cephalofoil'. While it hasn't reached the 11th level of its growth it cancels +7 levels requirements for purchases from the tank it inhabits.

Giant manta ray
Marine fish. While it has not reached the 11th level of its growth, it doubles the amount of xp and coins you get from selling baitoidea fish from the tank Manta ray inhabits.